Saudi Ambassador Speech on National Day 2015
Speech by Ambassador of Saudi Arabia to Australia and New Zealand, H.E Nabil Al Saleh delivered in Hyatt House, Canberra, Australia 29 Sept 2015.
Excellencies, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen, my fellow Saudis.
I would like to take this opportunity to extend my sincere condolences to all the families of those who lost their lives in Makkah, and express my sympathies to those injured, wishing them a quick recovery. Our thoughts and prayers are with them.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
It gives me great pleasure to welcome you as we mark this year the 85th National Day of Saudi Arabia. It is days such as these that provide us the opportunity to celebrate our heritage, cohesion and accomplishments.
But it also provides an opportunity to reflect on the challenges we face in building more peaceful and prosperous lives for our citizens, and, that of the global community as a whole.
Today, in 2015, a few things have become clear. Despite the challenges facing the global community, the Kingdom’s domestic, regional and international policies have remained consistent.
First. Although oil prices have dropped, the Kingdom’s financial position remains very strong. The government continues to commit to record spending that is focused on economic development.
Second. We remain committed to regional stability. That is our aim and objective. Maintaining this is not just in our own interest, but that of the international community.
It is through this spectrum that we have, along with a coalition of countries, been compelled to intervene in military operations in Yemen at the request of its legitimate government.
Our soldiers have put their lives on the line. Some of our service-men have paid the ultimate sacrifice to defend and reinstate the legitimate government, protect the people of Yemen from radical organisations, and open up the way for political talks.
Our efforts have not stopped there. We have contributed over 4 billion Australian dollars in recent times towards the assistance for the Yemeni people, and we will continue to do so.
These contributions make Saudi Arabia the world’s largest provider of humanitarian aid and economic assistance to Yemen. We have also rectified the legal status of around half a million Yemeni nationals who have entered the Kingdom in recent months. Taking the total number of Yemenis in Saudi Arabia to around 1.5 million.
Regarding Syria, the Kingdom has long supported the plight of the Syrian people. We continue to support the moderate Syrian opposition, and stress the importance of reaching a peaceful solution.
Recent media reporting and accusations surrounding the Kingdom’s humanitarian efforts regarding refugees from Syria are plainly wrong. Arising from Bashar Al-Assad’s brutal treatment of his own people, the Kingdom has received over 2.5 million Syrians since the beginning of the Syrian conflict.
We do not treat them as refugees. We have granted our Syrian brothers and sisters legal residency status and are treated as our own citizens. Furthermore, we have also provided them with free medical care and access to schools and universities.
Moreover, the Kingdom has provided almost a billion Australian dollars in aid to Syrians in refugee camps. And testament to our humanitarian efforts on the global stage, the United Nations placed Saudi Arabia as the sixth largest donor of foreign aid last year. In the past 4 decades, we have provided over $160 billion Australian dollars in aid to more than 90 countries.
Thirdly. The Saudi Government supports global efforts to combat terrorism as well as the United Nations global counter-terrorism strategy. Because there is no greater responsibility than to keep our citizens safe.
Whilst the Kingdom has this year been the victim of terrorist attacks, our government and people are determined to prevent further threats of terrorism, that seek to embed fear and instability. There is no place for such perverted views and actions.
In fact, the Kingdom was one of the first countries that introduced laws to deal with the existing threat. We legislated laws punishing all those that had participated or are participating in hostilities outside the kingdom. We are of the firm belief of the importance of regional and international cooperation to combat this escalating threat. That is why we have also been working diligently with our regional and international partners. Furthermore, we have provided a large part of the financial resources required to establish the United Nations Counter-Terrorism Centre. And our efforts in anti-money laundering has not gone unnoticed. We are ranked first in the MENA region and we are amongst the top 10 globally in anti-money laundering and in combating the financing of terrorism.
Ladies and Gentlemen, Turning now to more local issues, I am pleased that our bilateral relationship with Australia continues to develop. I am happy to inform you that we have just opened a new Defence Attaché Office in Canberra.
And I am happy to have with us here tonight, our Defence Attaché, Captain Sami Almutairi. Furthermore, I am also pleased to announce that we will soon be opening a General Consulate in Sydney.
In concluding my remarks, I should emphasise to you the importance the Kingdom places on Education. Because we firmly believe that, our national economic prosperity is ultimately linked to an educated society. A society that is innovative and research driven. We have about a quarter of a million of our nationals with their families studying abroad. 13 thousand of these are in Australia. Here with us tonight are some of our students who have made significant breakthroughs in their fields. I hope you will take the opportunity to meet our eight nationals.
Thank you.
سفارة المملكة لدى أستراليا تقيم حفل استقبال بمناسبة اليوم الوطني
كانبيرا 30-9-2015
سفارة المملكة لدى أستراليا تقيم حفل استقبال بمناسبة اليوم الوطني
أقام سعادة سفير خادم الحرمين الشريفين لدى استراليا ونيوزيلاندا نبيل بن محمد آل صالح ، حفل استقبال بمناسبة اليوم الوطني الـ85 للمملكة، في قاعة الاحتفالات الكبرى في فندق الحياة في العاصمة الاسترالية كانبيرا حضره حشد من كبار الشخصيات السياسية والبرلمانية والمسؤولين الاستراليين في وزارة الخارجية الاسترالية والوزارات الأخرى والسفراء المعتمدين لدى استراليا وجمع من السعوديين المقيمين في استراليا ورؤساء وممثلي الجمعيات والمراكز الاسلامية والعربية باستراليا .
الذين كان في استقبالهم السفير آل صالح ، نائب السفير مشعل الروقي ، ، الملحق الثقافي الدكتور عبدالعزيز بن عبدالله بن طالب ، الملحق العسكري العقيد سامي المطيري.
بدأ الحفل الذي افتتحه سفير خادم الحرمين الشريفين لدى استراليا نبيل بن محمد آل صالح ورئيس البروتوكول في الدولة الاسترالية كريس كانان، بإنشاد السلام الملكي السعودي والنشيد الرسمي الأسترالي وتبادل خلاله الطرفان التهاني والتمنيات لكلا البلدين الصديقين.
ورفع سفير المملكة في أستراليا في كلمته خلال الحفل باسمه واسم أعضاء السفارة والملحقية والطلبة المبتعثين التهنئة الى خادم الحرمين الشريفين الملك سلمان بن عبد العزيز ال سعود وسمو ولي عهده وسمو ولي ولي العهد – حفظهم الله – والأسرة المالكة الكريمة وشعب المملكة بهذه المناسبة.
ثم تقدم بالعزاء بوفاة عدد من حجاج بيت الله الحرام جراء التدافع وحادثة الرافعة في مكة المكرمة ، سائلاً الله عز وجل أن يتغمد المتوفين بواسع رحمته ويسكنهم فسيح جناته، وأن يمن على المصابين بالشفاء العاجل.
واستعرض السفير آل صالح في كلمته محطات النهضة الشاملة التي تعيشها المملكة ، وموقعها الاقتصادي والقيادي القوي بين دول العالم ومساهمتها في الاستقرار العالمي ومكافحة الارهاب ، موضحا دور المملكة الإنساني واسهاماتها ومساعداتها للعمل الإغاثي والانساني الدولي ، حيث تعتبر المملكة سادس دولة مانحة للمساعدات في العالم مشيرا الى تقديم المملكة ما يزيد عن 160 بليون دولار كمساعدات انسانية لاكثر من 90 دولة حول العالم .
وبين السفير آل صالح تقديم المملكة لما يزيد عن 4 بليون دولار لمساعدة الشعب اليمني حيث يتواجد على ارض المملكة اكثر من نصف مليون مواطن يمني انتقلوا للعيش في المملكة ابان الاحداث الاخيرة ، اما على مستوى القضية السورية فاكد السفير آل صالح مساندة المملكة القوية للشعب السوري واستقبالها لاكثر من مليونين ونصف سوري فروا من بطش نظام الاسد ، وهم يعيشون الان على ارض المملكة كضيوف مع اعطائهم حق التعليم والطبابة ، اضافة الى تقديم ما يزيد عن بليون دولار كمساعدات لمخيمات اللاجئين السوريين .
وتناول السفير آل صالح في كلمته محطات النهضة التنموية الشاملة التي تعيشها المملكة في مجالات مختلفة، مبينا الاهمية التي توليها المملكة للتعليم باعتباره احد اهم ركائز االنهضة التنموية فيها ، مشيرا الى وجود اكثر من ربع مليون طالب سعودي يتلقون تعليمهم في ارقى جامعات العالم من بينهم 13 الف طالب سعودي مع مرافقيهم باستراليا .
كما اعلن السفير آل صالح خلال الحفل عن افتتاح الملحقية العسكرية السعودية باستراليا وتعيين العقيد سامي المطيري ملحقا عسكريا للمملكة باستراليا .
واطلع السفير ال صالح على المعارض الجانبية التي أقيمت بهذه المناسبة ومنها معرض التراث والثقافة السعودية ، ومعرض الابتكارات والابداعات العلمية للطلبة المبتعثين السعوديين باستراليا.
وخلال الحفل، كرم السفير آل صالح عددًا من الطلبة السعوديين المبتعثين المتميزين الذين قدموا أعمالاً علمية مميزة في دراساتهم وأبحاثهم خلال مسيرتهم العلمية في أستراليا وهم حسام مأمون زواوي ، خالد طلال ابو الشامات، ندى ابراهيم تونسي ، بتول محمد يوسف الباز ، هيا محمد الجدعاني، بدر علي الزهراني ، عثمان أحمد الغامدي ، فيصل حاكم الشمري ، كما جرى تكريم رؤساء الاندية الطلابية في جميع الولايات الاسترالية بتقديم دروع تذكارية لهم، معربًا عن سعادته بامتزاج تكريمهم بفرحة ذكرى اليوم الوطني ، كما جرى تكريم الفائز بمسابقة “معاً ضد التطرف” الأدبية” بدر سالم المحمدي الذي القى قصيدة معبرة بالمناسبة.
Saudi National Day Celebration 2015 Canberra Australia
Saudi Ambassador to Australia and New Zealand H.E Nabil Al Saleh held a reception for the Kingdom’s 85 National Day in Canberra. It was attended by senior political, parliamentary and Australian Foreign Affairs figures and other ambassadors accredited to Australia as well as Saudis living in Australia, heads and representatives of associations and Arab and Islamic centers.
The guests were received by Ambassador Al Saleh, Deputy Ambassador Meshaal Alrougui, cultural attaché Dr. Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah bin Taleb and Military attaché Colonel Sami al-Mutairi.
Ambassador Al Saleh outlined in his speech the comprehensive development in the Kingdom, its economic situation and strong leadership internationally, its contribution to global stability and the fight against terrorism. He explained the Kingdom’s humanitarian role and its contribution to international relief work; the kingdom is the sixth largest aid donor in the world with more than $160 billion in humanitarian aid to more than 90 countries.
Ambassador Al Saleh explained that the Kingdom donated more than $ 4 billion to the people of Yemen with more than half a million Yemenis moving to the Kingdom due to recent events. On Syria, Ambassador Al Saleh stressed the Kingdom’s strong support for the Syrian people and noted that they had received Syrians fleeing the civil war and who are now living in the Kingdom, receiving education and medical care, in addition to more than a billion dollars in aid to Syrian refugees camps.
In his speech, Ambassador Al Saleh addressed the comprehensive development renaissance experienced by the Kingdom in different areas, indicating the importance of education as a main pillar of development; he pointed to the more than 250,000 Saudi students in overseas universities, including 13,000 in Australia.
He also announced the opening of the Saudi military attaché in Australia and the appointment of Colonel Sami al-Mutairi as military attaché.
Ambassador Al Saleh honoured outstanding Saudi students who have achieved distinctive scientific work in their studies and research as well as the heads of student clubs in all states by presenting commemorative shields to them.
The winner of the literary competition “together against extremism”, Bader Salem Mohammadi-Harbi, was also honoured also and made an expressive poem.
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