The Australian National Imams Council and the Mufti of Australia Condemn the attacks by the Hoothi Rebels on the Holy City of Makkah

Oct 30, 2016   //   by admin   //   Uncategorized  //  No Comments

The Australian National Imams Council and the Mufti of Australia Dr. Ibrahim Abu Mohammad Strongly condemn the vicious attack and heinous crime by the Hoothi rebels on the most sacred City (Makkah Al-Mukaramah) in the world since the time of Prophet Ibrahim, Peace be upon him to the Day of Judgement.
The Australian National Imams Council and the Mufti of Australia believe that this attack targets all Muslims around the world and the principles of Islam.
The Mufti Of Australia Dr. Ibrahim Abu Mohammad said “Mecca is the capital of the hearts of all believers, all Muslims flock to Makkah, and their hearts feel content there, and protecting it is one of the most sacred pillars of Islam, therefore stop tampering with the scared cities of Muslims and provoking over a billion Muslim around the world.”
The President of Australian National Imams Council Imam Shadi Alsuleiman also added, “This attack is not an attack on the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, this attack is an attack on every Muslim who is jealous over his religion and creed”
The Australian National Imams Council urges all Muslim Countries and all Muslims around the world to stand in solidarity and support with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia who are the custodians of the sacred cities Makkah and Madina, the Council also commends the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for their ongoing care, role and protection of the sacred places of Makkah and Madinah and stands strongly with the Kingdom against any attack on the Muslim sacred cities.
We ask Allah to protect all people and Muslim countries around the world from any oppressive attack.

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