Saudi Embassy: There are no arms deals between Saudi Arabia and Australia.
The Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia in Canberra denies the content in the Sydney Morning Herald’s article titled “Australia selling military equipment to Saudi Arabia during brutal Yemen conflict” on 26/3/2017 and the Canberra Times article “Senate pressures the Ministry of Defence to clarify its arms deal with the Kingdom” dated 30/3/2017, and the statement of the Spokesperson of the Greens Senator Scott Ludlam stating that the Kingdom is one of the most oppressive regimes in the world and that it is participating in a ferocious attack against Yemeni People.
The Embassy would like to state that there are no arms deals between Saudi Arabia and Australia. The above claims are not true. The Embassy emphasizes that the Kingdom stands by the Yemeni People.
Saudi Arabia affirms it has never requested Iranian mediatio
A Saudi senior official affirms that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has never requested Iranian mediation in any way, shape, or form.
The source further clarified that reports circulating in the media are outright baseless.
The source confirmed Saudi Arabia’s firm position, which rejects any rapprochement with an Iranian regime that spreads terrorism and extremism, both regionally and globally, and interferes in the affairs of other countries.
The source asserted that negotiations with the current Iranian regime are not possible since experience has shown that this regime has no respect for diplomatic rules and norms or the principles of international relations. It is a regime that finds it acceptable to fabricate lies and distort facts. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia emphasizes the dangers posed by the Iranian regime and its aggressive behavior on global peace and stability.
Saudi Arabia calls on all nations to work together in order to deter aggressive behavior by the Iranian regime and compel it to abide by international law, UN resolutions, and diplomatic norms and procedures.
Saudi Arabia: Iran refuses to cooperate in Saudi embassy attack in Tehran.
SA News , Sydney, Aug 02, 2017:
The Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia in Canberra _ Press Release
A Press Release from the Saudi Embassy in Canberra on Wednesday explained that Iranian authorities had persistently and consistently stalled and refused to resume investigation into the incident of storming the embassy of the kingdom of the Saudi Arabia in Tehran and its consulate in Mashhad even though these attacks were perpetrated a year and a half ago.
The Saudi Embassy statement stated that: On 9/2/2016, the Permanent Mission of Saudi Arabia in New York received a letter from the Permanent Mission of Iran in regards to the incident against the premises of the Saudi Embassy in Tehran and the Saudi Consulate General in Mashhad.
The letter conveyed the desire of the Iranian Government to obtain permission from the Government of Saudi Arabia to enter the premises of the Saudi Embassy in Tehran and the Saudi Consulate General in Mashhad, to allow them to complete their investigation of the incident.
The Iranian side was advised of the Saudi Government’s approval of their request, on condition that a team from the Kingdom travels to Iran and be present when Iranian Authorities enter the Saudi Embassy and the Consulate General premises in Iran. Another condition of Saudi Arabia’s approval was for Iran to advise the Saudi team during their stay in Iran of the outcome of the investigation that was being conducted by Iranian Authorities.
The Iranian side agreed to the conditions of the Saudi side in travelling to Iran and for the purposes stated above.
They also agreed that the Saudi team arranges for the shipping from Iran of the personal property of Saudi Diplomats who had been posted to Iran. Iran conveyed its desire to apply reciprocity principles in relation to such property.
The Iranian side also requested the names of the members of the Saudi team. The Iranian side were informed of the Saudi side’s agreement to their requests. They were also advised of the names of the Saudi team members, and that the Saudi team will be travelling to Iran and staying from 25 to 29 December 2016.
The Saudi team continued to follow up; the Iranian Authorities continued to procrastinate. The Iranian side requested from the Saudi side to set a new date for the arrival of the Saudi team in Tehran. The Saudi team advised that the date of 3 July 2017 was suitable for them to travel to Iran. The Iranian side conveyed their agreement to the date suggested by the Saudi side. The Iranian Consulate in Dubai issued the visas required for the Saudi team to enter Iran.
However, to date, the Iranian Authorities have been declined to the issue a landing permit in Iran required for the Saudi team’s airplane. Iranian Authorities have associated the matter of the Saudi team’s airplane landing permit, with the matter of the issuance of visas to enter Saudi Arabia for the Iranian team wanting to visit Iranian Diplomatic Premises in the Kingdom, as well as with the matter of the issuance of visas to enter Saudi Arabia for the team from the Iranian Hajj Organization.
The Iranian Authorities refused the presence of a Saudi Team when they enter the Saudi Missions premises to continue investigating
The Iranian side’s refusal for a Saudi Team to be present when Iranian Authorities enter the premises of the Saudi Embassy and Consulate in Iran, confirms that the Iranian side is neither serious in its investigations into the attack nor in prosecuting and punishing the perpetrators. This is not surprising about Iran, who has a long record in violating the inviolability of diplomatic mission, such as the attacks on:
- The US Embassy in 1979 and holding its staff hostage for 444 days
- The Saudi Embassy in 1987
- The Kuwaiti Embassy in 1987
- The Russian Embassy in 1988
- A Kuwaiti Diplomat in 2007
- The Pakistani Embassy in 2009
- The British Embassy in 2011
- The Saudi Embassy and Consulate in 2016
Iran’s refusal for a Saudi diplomatic team to be present when the Iranian Authorities enter the Saudi Diplomatic Mission’s premises in Iran, as well as imposing no punishment against the perpetrators involved in that attack, prove that Iran does not want to be reasonable or logical. Rather than bridging the gap, Iran aims to further ignite the situation, as it continues to act in a manner that is contrary to international principles and conventions. It also proves that the act of violating the inviolability of the Saudi Diplomatic Mission’s premises was an organized and premeditated act. It was not a mere spontaneous reaction undertaken by Iranian Citizens; it was rather part of a bigger Iranian plan supported by the Iranian Regime, seeking to escalate the situation.
The Australian National Imams Council and the Mufti of Australia Condemn the attacks by the Hoothi Rebels on the Holy City of Makkah
The Australian National Imams Council and the Mufti of Australia Dr. Ibrahim Abu Mohammad Strongly condemn the vicious attack and heinous crime by the Hoothi rebels on the most sacred City (Makkah Al-Mukaramah) in the world since the time of Prophet Ibrahim, Peace be upon him to the Day of Judgement.
The Australian National Imams Council and the Mufti of Australia believe that this attack targets all Muslims around the world and the principles of Islam.
The Mufti Of Australia Dr. Ibrahim Abu Mohammad said “Mecca is the capital of the hearts of all believers, all Muslims flock to Makkah, and their hearts feel content there, and protecting it is one of the most sacred pillars of Islam, therefore stop tampering with the scared cities of Muslims and provoking over a billion Muslim around the world.”
The President of Australian National Imams Council Imam Shadi Alsuleiman also added, “This attack is not an attack on the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, this attack is an attack on every Muslim who is jealous over his religion and creed”
The Australian National Imams Council urges all Muslim Countries and all Muslims around the world to stand in solidarity and support with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia who are the custodians of the sacred cities Makkah and Madina, the Council also commends the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for their ongoing care, role and protection of the sacred places of Makkah and Madinah and stands strongly with the Kingdom against any attack on the Muslim sacred cities.
We ask Allah to protect all people and Muslim countries around the world from any oppressive attack.
Coalition denies Yemeni funeral bombing
The Coalition supporting the legitimate government in Yemen was not involved in the strikes at funeral in Yemen. About it reports Reuters referring to a source in the Arabian coalition.
“Absolutely nothing was carried out in the region”, one of the Arabian coalition sources said, the coalition always avoid attacking such a crowd of people.
According to the statement carried by the Saudi Press Agency (SPA). The Coalition supporting the legitimate government in Yemen has announced that it is aware of reports about the regrettable and painful bombing of the Great Hall in Sana’a today 8/10/2016 , which led to the killing and and injuring of casualties, as reported.
The coalition expressed its deepest condolences and support to the families of the victims of hostilities since of the coup takeover of power in Yemen during 2014.
The coalition confirms that its troops have clear instructions not to target populated areaa and to avoid civilians.
The coalition will immediately investigate this case along with Joint Incidents Assessment Team (JIAT) in Yemen and experts from the United States who participated in previous investigations.
The coalition is also willing to provide the investigation team with any data and information related to its military operations today, at the incident’s location and the surrounding areas.
The result of the investigation should be announced as soon as it’s completed.
وكالات الاعلام العالمية تتنافس على تغطية موسم الحج هذا العام
وكالات الاعلام العالمية تتنافس على تغطية موسم الحج هذا العام
تنافست حوالى 26 قناة فضائية عربية وإسلامية وأجنبية وعدد من وكالات من الأنباء والإذاعات والصحف العالمية، و75 فريقًا إعلاميًا أجنبيًا مستقلاً واكثر من 300 اعلامي عربي واجنبي لنقل أحداث الحج هذا العام ورصدها مباشرة بالصوت والصورةً ومتابعتها إعلاميًا على مدار الساعة.
كما تنافست الوسائل الإعلامية التي تستضيفها وزارة الثقافة والإعلام في التغطية الإعلامية لتصعيد الحجيج من مكة المكرمة إلى مشعري منى وعرفات، ثم مزدلفة، ومتابعة تأدية المناسك في المشاعر المقدسة حيث يمثل موسم الحج فرصةً لتميز كل وسيلة إعلامية.
وشهدت أروقة المراكز الإعلامية التي هيأتها وزارة الثقافة والإعلام ممثلة بوكالة الوزارة للإعلام الخارجي في كل من جدة ومكة المكرمة والمدينة المنورة ومشعري عرفات ومنى، حركة دائبة للإعلاميين الذين يتسابقون في تغطية تحركات الحجاج وتنقلاتهم ومن أبرز القنوات التلفزيونية والوكالات المشاركة في تغطية حج هذا العام، قناة «bbs» الأمريكية التي تقوم بمتابعة الحجاج الأمريكيين وتسلط الأضواء على الخدمات والتسهيلات المقدمة لهم من حكومة خادم الحرمين الشريفين، وقناة «الإسلام» البريطانية، وقناة «قرطبة» الإسبانية، وقناة «tv» الجنوب إفريقية، وقناة «سكاي نيوز» العربية، إضافة قناة «ميديا 1» الهندية.
كما شاركت قناة «الجزيرة» القطرية، إضافة إلى قنوات إندونيسية منها «مترو» و»s c tv»، وقناتي دوست ورأرماك التركيتين، وصحيفة «مات هيامم» الهندية بالإضافة إلى قناة «الشرقية» العراقية، وقناة «الهدى»، وقناة «النهار» الجزائرية، وقناة «شنقيط» الموريتانية وقناة «الهجرة».
ومن الوكالات الإخبارية العالمية المشاركة في التغطية، وكالة اسوشيتد برس، ووكالة الصحافة الفرنسية، ووكالة رويترز للأنباء، ووكالتا جيهان وأنباء الأناضول التركيتان.
ويوضح الدكتور عبدالعزيز بن صالح بن سلمه وكيل وزارة الثقافة والإعلام للإعلام الخارجي بالمملكة العربية السعودية الدور الذي تقوم به وزارة الثقافة والإعلام للإعلام الخارجي أن الوزارة تعمل على إصدار التصاريح والتأشيرات للإعلاميين وإتمام حجوزاتهم مشيرا الى أن عدد الاعلاميين هذا العام يبلغ ما يقارب 300 اعلامي من عرب واجانب يمثلون وسائل الاعلام العربية والاجنبية ووكالات الأنباء العالمية المعروفة بالاضافة الى وكالات الصور وعدد من الشركات والمؤسسات الاعلامية التي ترغب في تسجيل البرامج الوثائقية والتثقيفية عن الحج او حتى اعداد برامج درامية.
واشار الى أن الوزارة أعدت للاعلاميين مخيما في المشاعر المقدسة في منى وعرفات ومزدلفة مجهز بكافة الامكانيات ووسائل الاتصال والبث التي تسهل عليهم عملهم كما اعدت الوزارة برامج وانشطة وزيارات للمشاعر المقدسة والمؤسسات والاماكن الهامة مثل زيارة ميناء جدة الاسلامي والمؤسسات ذات العلاقة بالحج مثل مصنع كسوة الكعبة المشرفة وزيارة مطبعة المصحف الشريف والبنك الاسلامي وزيارة متحف عمارة الحرمين الشريفين وجولة في قطار المشاعر المقدسة وزيارة معهد الحرمين الشريفين لأبحاث الحج والعمرة وزيارة لمشروع متحف (السلام عليك أيها النبي) حول سيرة النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم بمكة المكرمة وزيارة غرفة عمليات الحج بمنى فضلا عن توفير وسائل المواصلات والتنقل للضيوف من المدينة المنورة الى جدة والى مكة المكرمة واجراء الترتيبات للمقابلات الصحفية.
ويقول الدكتور بن سلمه ان تميز حج هذا العام 1434 ه يعود الى عدة أسباب موضوعية تتعلق بالاستعدادات والترتيبات التي عكفت على اعدادها حكومة خادم الحرمين الشريفين الملك عبدالله بن عبدالعزيز. وقال إن تميز هذا العام يرجع لثلاثة أسباب رئيسية وهي أن أجهزة الدولة قد استنفرت ما يقرب من ربع مليون عامل من رجال المرور والصحة والشؤون القروية والعديد من الجهات الرسمية ذات العلاقة بما تمتلكه من خبرة ودروس مستخلصة من التجارب السابقة والسبب الثاني هو أن المملكة العربية السعودية قامت بحملات توعية كبيرة للمسلمين عبر أنحاء العالم بشأن إحداث تقليص طفيف لأعداد الحجاج هذا العام ليتناسب وأعمال التوسعة والإنشاءات التي يشهدها المسجد الحرام.
كلام الصورة : الدكتور بن سلمه يتحدث لعدد من الاعلاميين الذين ينتمون لعدد من الجنسيات في احدى المراكز الاعلامية التابعة لوزارة الاعلام قبل انطلاقهم الى صعيد عرفات .
Saudi Ambassador to Australia Visits The Cultural Attache’s Office in Canberra
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Saudi Ambassador to Australia Visits The Cultural Attache’s Office in Canberra
The Ambassador of the Custodian of The Two Holy Mosques to Australia, H.E Mr Nabil Al Saleh, has paid a visit to the Saudi Cultural Attaché Office in Canberra.At the office, he was received by the Cultural Attaché to Australia Dr. Abdulaziz BinTaleb, and the attaché Directors and Staff.
The Ambassador toured all sections of the Attaché Offices and was briefed on the various services offered to students on scholarship.The Ambassador appreciated the services provided by the office to Saudi students and thanked the Cultural Attaché for the great care they provide to the education of Saudi students in Australia.The Ambassador expressed his admiration of the building features and the equipment available to providing the highest level of services to the students.
In a statement to the Saudi Press Agency the Ambassador stated that his visit to the cultural attaché was a reflection of the commitment and care of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud and His Royal Highness Prince Salman Bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud, to the education of all saudi students .
The Ambassador stressed that the work and commitment of all the members of the Embassy and the cultural attaché in Australia was highly valued and appreciated. Their work is necessary to ensure that full support is provided to both male and female Saudi students to help them succeed in all fields.
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