The Australian National Imams Council and the Mufti of Australia Condemn the attacks by the Hoothi Rebels on the Holy City of Makkah
The Australian National Imams Council and the Mufti of Australia Dr. Ibrahim Abu Mohammad Strongly condemn the vicious attack and heinous crime by the Hoothi rebels on the most sacred City (Makkah Al-Mukaramah) in the world since the time of Prophet Ibrahim, Peace be upon him to the Day of Judgement.
The Australian National Imams Council and the Mufti of Australia believe that this attack targets all Muslims around the world and the principles of Islam.
The Mufti Of Australia Dr. Ibrahim Abu Mohammad said “Mecca is the capital of the hearts of all believers, all Muslims flock to Makkah, and their hearts feel content there, and protecting it is one of the most sacred pillars of Islam, therefore stop tampering with the scared cities of Muslims and provoking over a billion Muslim around the world.”
The President of Australian National Imams Council Imam Shadi Alsuleiman also added, “This attack is not an attack on the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, this attack is an attack on every Muslim who is jealous over his religion and creed”
The Australian National Imams Council urges all Muslim Countries and all Muslims around the world to stand in solidarity and support with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia who are the custodians of the sacred cities Makkah and Madina, the Council also commends the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for their ongoing care, role and protection of the sacred places of Makkah and Madinah and stands strongly with the Kingdom against any attack on the Muslim sacred cities.
We ask Allah to protect all people and Muslim countries around the world from any oppressive attack.
التحالف ينفي قصف موقع العزاء في اليمن ويجري تحقيقا بمشاركة خبراء من الولايات المتحدة
قيادة قوات التحالف لدعم الشرعية تنفي قصف موقع العزاء في اليمن وتجري تحقيقا بمشاركة خبراء من الولايات المتحدة
السعودية استراليا نيوز: 9 أكتوبر 2016م
أعربت قيادة قوات التحالف لدعم الشرعية في اليمن عن عزائها ومواساتها لأسر الضحايا والمصابين في الحادثة المؤسفة والمؤلمة التي وقعت في صنعاء هذا اليوم السبت 8 أكتوبر 2016 م جراء الأعمال القتالية الدائرة منذ استيلاء الانقلابيين على السلطة هناك في سبتمبر 2014 م . كما تؤكد قيادة قوات التحالف أن لدى قواتها تعليمات واضحة وصريحة بعدم استهداف المواقع المدنية وبذل كافة ما يمكن بذله من جهد لتجنيب المدنيين المخاطر. وسوف يتم إجراء تحقيق بشكل فوري من قيادة قوات التحالف وبمشاركة خبراء من الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية والذين تم الاستعانة بهم في تحقيقات سابقة وسوف يتم تزويد فريق التحقيق بما لدى قوات التحالف من بيانات ومعلومات تتعلق بالعمليات العسكرية المنفذة في ذلك اليوم وفي منطقة الحادث والمناطق المحيطة بها، وستعلن النتائج فور انتهاء التحقيق .
Coalition denies Yemeni funeral bombing
The Coalition supporting the legitimate government in Yemen was not involved in the strikes at funeral in Yemen. About it reports Reuters referring to a source in the Arabian coalition.
“Absolutely nothing was carried out in the region”, one of the Arabian coalition sources said, the coalition always avoid attacking such a crowd of people.
According to the statement carried by the Saudi Press Agency (SPA). The Coalition supporting the legitimate government in Yemen has announced that it is aware of reports about the regrettable and painful bombing of the Great Hall in Sana’a today 8/10/2016 , which led to the killing and and injuring of casualties, as reported.
The coalition expressed its deepest condolences and support to the families of the victims of hostilities since of the coup takeover of power in Yemen during 2014.
The coalition confirms that its troops have clear instructions not to target populated areaa and to avoid civilians.
The coalition will immediately investigate this case along with Joint Incidents Assessment Team (JIAT) in Yemen and experts from the United States who participated in previous investigations.
The coalition is also willing to provide the investigation team with any data and information related to its military operations today, at the incident’s location and the surrounding areas.
The result of the investigation should be announced as soon as it’s completed.
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