Browsing articles from "January, 2018"

SAUDI STUDENT HERO RISKS HIS LIFE TO SAVE A STRANGER’S: This came in line with my Saudi values and principles .

Jan 22, 2018   //   by admin   //   English, SA News, Uncategorized  //  No Comments

Saudi’s student selflessly jumps into Melbourne’s Yarra River on 9pm Sunday 21st January to save a stranger’s man aged in his 50s has been hailed a hero.
Without a thought for his own safety, Saudi student’s Ahmed Almohaimeed jumped into the water to try and assist the man.
“I didn’t think so much about myself. I jumped over and I tried to push him up,” Mr Almohaimeed said, “this came in line with the Saudi values and principles and I will do it again he said.
Despite his best efforts, the stranger man aged in his 50s was too heavy and emergency services pulled both men to safety.
Mr Almohaimeed was taken to the Alfred Hospital barely conscious while the other man, aged in his 50s, was rushed to the Royal Melbourne Hospital.
The older man remains in a critical condition after suffering a suspected heart attack.
The Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia Chargé d’Affaires Mr Meshal Hamdan Alrogi praised the student hero for his action, saying he “bravely stood up and ventured his life, to save the old man he does not know” , “He is a true hero and we all proud of him .”
Mr Almohaimeed has since been praised by friends, along with delegates from the Saudi Arabian embassy who paid a special visit from Canberra.

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